- 公司名稱:
- 山東新大新食品工業裝備有限公司
- 更新時間:
- 2017-12-19 09:17:38
- 所 在 地:
- 濰坊市
- 生產地址:
- 山東省諸城市舜王九臺工業園
- 瀏覽次數:
- 1026
- 聯系方式:
- 梁總查看聯系方式
薯片連續油炸生產線的特點: 生產能力:每小時100-1000kg(成品) 可用能源:電、天然氣、柴油、導熱油爐 薯片連續油炸生產線特點 整套設備均使用SUS304不銹鋼制作,*實現自動化生產,無需專人操作,漂燙池利用鍋爐蒸汽直接加熱的方式,工作過程中邊漂燙邊換水。漂燙完畢后通過網帶輸送至震動篩,邊風吹邊震水,再進入油炸流水線。油炸完畢后風吹瀝油冷卻后進入自動拌料機。 Production capacity: per hour 1000kg (fg) 100 - Usable energy: electricity, gas, oil, oil heat furnace The whole equipment all USES SUS304 stainless steel production, compley automated production, without special operation, bleaching hot pool using the boiler steam directly heated ways, work process edge bleaching hot edge change water. Bleaching hot after completion through net belt conveyor to shaking sieve, the side wind edge shock water, again into the Fried assembly line. Fried after the completion of the wind cooling drain oil after entering automatic mixing materials machine. 的工藝流水線: 原料(土豆) → 清洗去皮 → 切片(條) → 漂燙→ Original material Cleaning peel Cut piece Bleaching hot
風吹 → 震水(瀝水) → 油炸 → 風吹瀝油 → 輸送 → The wind Shock water Oil fry The wind drain oil Lose send
布料(大小可調) → 自動拌料 → 冷卻 → 包裝 → 入庫 Fabric(size adjustable) Automatic mixing materials Cooling Packaging Treasury |