DHG型電熱恒溫鼓風干燥箱DHG Series Heating and D
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- 北京伯樂生命科學發展有限公司上海辦事處 (上海天崛電子科技有限公司)
- 2021-11-11 18:55:25
- 上海市
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1 、工作室采用優質鋼板或不銹鋼板。
2 、微電腦智慧控溫儀,具有設定,測定溫度雙數字顯、定時、功率抑制和自整定功能,控溫精確可靠。
3 、熱風循環系統由低噪聲風機和風道組成,工作室內溫度均勻。
It is applicable to such test as drying,cure melt,sterilize in industrial and mining enterprises as well as in laboratory and scientific research institute.
1 、 The working chamber is made of high quality sheet steel or corrosion-restistant stainless steel,safe and easy to use.
2 、 Inligent temperature controller is based microprocessor with PID parameters controlling function.Digital display of set and actual temperatures. High temperature controlling accuracy and reliability.
3 、 Hot air circulation system is consist of low-noisy fan and optimal air duct, reaching a uniform temperature inside the working chamber
注: ① DHG 型產品均有定時功能,定時范圍: 0~9999min ,控溫精度 0.1 ℃ , 溫度波動 ± 1 ℃ , “ RT” 表示室溫 .
② 除 9623A 、 9425A 、 9626A 電源電壓為 380V , 50H 外其余均為 220V , 50Hz 。
③ ( A )表示包括帶 A 和不帶 A 兩種型號產品,帶 A 為不銹鋼工作室帶觀察窗,不帶 A 為鍍鋅或一般鋼板不帶觀察窗。
Notes: ① DHG Series has timing function. And the range of timing is 0 to 999min. The temperature control precision is 0.1 ℃ . and the temperature fluctuation is ± 1 ℃ ,”RT” stands of room temperature,
② Except main voltage of model 9623A 、 9426A and 9626A are 380V,59Hz, the others are 220v,50Hz.
③ (A)have “A”andnothave“A”. and “A” means stainless steel working chamber, has the window in the door. The not have means zinc or ordinary steel working chamber, has not window.
GRX 型 干熱消毒箱 Model GRX Hot —— air Sterilizer
1 、 直觀精確:微電腦智能控溫儀,具有設定、測定溫度雙數字顯示、控溫精確可靠。
2 、 安全方便:二套安全獨立的控溫系統,定時控溫、報警切斷加熱電源、確保人員安全。
It is applicable to such test as drying , cure, melt, sterilizing in industrial and mining enterprises as well as in laboratory, scientific research institute, medical college and universities.
Ii Features:
It is to utilize the effects of poisoning caused by oxidation of microorganisms, denaturizing of protein and concentration of electrolyte under
三、技術參數( Specifications )
電源電壓Mains voltage
220V 50Hz
控溫范圍Temperature control range
50~250 ℃
溫度波動Temperature fluctuatin
± 1 ℃
消耗功率Consumption Power
工作室尺寸Dimensions of the working chambe
400 × 330 × 460mm
550 × 340 × 610mm
600 × 500 × 670mm
定時范圍Time range
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