ro-1000i反滲透純水機(5000l/h),一二級ro反滲透純水機采用美國進口的反滲透膜對源水進行深層次過濾,能有效地除去各種對人體健康有害的物質。水質清純,口感好,設備特點是:產水量大,運行能耗低,ro膜可進行自動法沖洗,采用一級或二級反滲透運行,生產優質的飲用水。this equipments applying advanced counter-infiltration technology (counter-infiltration films imported from u.s.) in managing original water, it can weed out all kinds of de-leterious substance to human beings. the water is pure and sweetness. this equipments productivity and consume energy low. counter-infiltration films can rinse automation, use changeable one-two grade ro counter-infiltration purified water machine can produce pure drinking water.