型 號:FT-1型
設備簡介: 用于大中型生產線干豆輸送。利用高壓風機(正壓或負壓)將干豆輸送到泡豆桶,*提升高度3-7米。該設備設計簡潔,安裝方便,可大大節約人工,提高工作效率。
It is used for conveying l a r g e a n d me d i um-sized dry soybeans for production. High-pressure fans (wi th posi t ive or negat ive pressure) are used to convey the dry s o y b e a n s t o t h e d r y soybean-dipping bucket. The optimal lifting height is 3-7 meters. This device features concise design and easy instal lat ion, which can greatly reduce workload and improve effciency.