Hot Roll Laminator
Compact enough for a laboratory bench top, but durable enough for production, the Hot Roll Laminator can consistently reproduce hot laminate product samples that are ready for testing or small-scale production. With flexible controls, the Hot Roll Laminator allows for a wide range of materials to be laminated including papers, films, foils and many other materials. The heated laminating system is designed to be very versatile and can be modified for a multitude of variations.
美國ChemInstruments 公司研制的HL-100 /101熱熔膠輥式壓合機具有在實驗室規模下生產高品質試樣的能力. 該機的控制裝置將有效地控制試樣生產的重復性, 有助于生產各種材料的壓合制品.
多速, 速度可達20 英尺/分(6 m/m);
可制作試樣的寬度為18吋 (45.5 cm);
加熱溫度 400°F (204°C);
溫度轉換由精致的PID 溫度控制器及一個1500瓦套筒加熱器完成;
選用高品質材料制造, 結實可靠, 經濟耐用;
下部鋁制驅動輥軸覆蓋有80 標準硬度樹脂橡膠表層;
HL-100, 鋁制金屬加熱上輥鍍有鈦氟龍(Teflon) 鍍層;
HL-101, 不銹鋼加熱上輥覆有鉻合金鍍層;
高:76 cm
寬:98 cm
深:36 cm
重量:HL-100 73kg 鋁輪
HL-101 83kg 鋼輪